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School Life

Parent Involvement Program

Parent Involvement & Volunteerism

Your participation in our school community is vital to the success of Hanover Academy. Hanover Academy’s Parent Involvement Program is designed to help meet the needs of the school in areas where we rely on volunteers.  As part of our mission to maintain the high quality of education while keeping tuition rates affordable, we must have the cooperation and involvement of all our school families.  We ask that each Academy family pledge 10 hours of service to the school during the year.  Family members (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.) are welcome to help a family meet its service hours.  Examples of opportunities for service are helping with events such as our Bingo Nights, School Clean-up Days, Thanksgiving Luncheon, and Gala Auction.  Please know that your service to the Academy is an integral part of the success of the school, and it is our students who benefit from your commitment and involvement.  Each family is asked to complete a Pledge sheet and return it to the office by September 9th. 

Option 1

Our family will volunteer a minimum of 10 hours during the school year.

Option 2

Our family will not be able to perform 10 hours of service to the Academy.  Instead, we will make a donation of $300.00 to the Academy’s Annual Fund.  This payment may be made in one payment due in September or two payments of $150.00 each, due in October and January.

Example Service Opportunities

  • Gala Auction
  • School Clean-up Days
  • Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Bingo Nights
  • Thanksgiving Luncheon
  • Office Support
  • Grandparents’ Day
  • Field Day/Family Fun Day

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