(804) 798-8413   Now Enrolling All Grades

Application for Employment

Employment Application

Applicant Information

Present Address
Present Address
Zip Code
Are you eligible to work in the United States? (Proof of eligibility will be required within 3 days after you start working)
Have you ever applied for a position with the Academy before now?
Are you presently on layoff or leave of absence from any other company?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? (Conviction will not necessarily disqualify you from employment)
Do you have any commitments or agreements with another employer that might affect your employment with Hanover Academy?


High School
High School
Grade Completed:


Previous Work Experience

Have you ever been disciplined or discharged from any employment for fighting, threats, use or possession of a weapon or hitting another individual?


List at least three supervisors, teachers, or co-workers who have knowledge of your experience and ability.

Work Preferences

Answer only the questions that apply to you and to the position for which you are applying.
What type of employment do you want?

As an applicant for employment with Hanover Academy, I understand the following:

  • This application will remain on file for 60 days. If I am hired within this period, this
    form will be transferred to my individual personnel file.
  • If I am not hired within 60 days, this application is no longer active and I will need to
    re-apply for employment if I wish to be considered for a job with Hanover Academy.
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